
Not just cheap coach tickets. The cheapest.

Getting you a fairer deal on cheap coach tickets is what we do.

Coachfairer makes it easy to find the cheapest coach tickets. Being independent means: we have more coaches from more bus companies than anyone else and we fetch live prices direct from the coach operators. As a result we've made it super simple for you to compare coach fares.

And if that wasn't enough, our split-booking engine seamlessly tells you whether you'd be cheaper booking the same journey with multiple tickets than one, making extra sure you'll always get the fairest deal on price. It's why you won't find cheaper coach tickets anywhere else.

We journey plan over a million routes.

From Inverness to Barcelona and a whole lot in between

We do our own journey planning to make sure you get the most, the fastest & the cheapest journeys available regardless of coach operator.

We sometimes call Coachfairer "flight search for bus and coach". The reason for that is that just like Skyscanner, Dohop & Kayak we find the best journey options across all operators and then we fetch the best prices.

The benefits are: we connect more places (over 1 million routes and counting), can combine coach operators, return more journey options, and as a result always find the cheapest prices. Just more reasons why Coachfairer is unique.

Independent & free with no added fees

As an independent search engine, we link you through directly to the coach company website to complete the booking. No additional booking fees, no hidden charges, no surprises. So you get the cheapest prices every time! Nice.